Monthly Archives: April 2007

Anyone know a good counsellor for DaveScot?

Yes. Dave has eplied again. I think it is interesting to note the issues he addresses and the ones he does not. Violence is a big issue for Dave, maybe someone should look in on him before he hurts someone? His latest communication in two parts. The first is about the meeting. For those of you who just want a funny look inside the mind of a true moron, read the second part about his diet, bodytype, and powerlifting abilities. GO TEXAS!!!

DaveScot’s last email:

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Filed under Conspiracy Theories, DaveScot, DaveTard, Entertainment, geography, Humor, IDiots, Science, Stupidity

It’s Official: DaveScot is a weak excuse for a human being

So. DaveScot one invited me to look him up anytime I was in Austin–ostensibly so he could kill me with a chainsaw. Why would he want to do such a thing? Well, because I disagree with him about scientific issues and that’s how science is decided–chainsaws.

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Filed under About Me, Conspiracy Theories, DaveScot, DaveTard, Entertainment, Humor, IDiots, lying, Science, Social Behaviour

To Austin we trip…

…in order to trip in Austin.

No, not like that. The total mental disconnect will be even greater, however. DaveScot, the blog czar at Uncommon Descent, once invited me to look him up whenever I was in Austin. He also threatened to kill me with chainsaws–looking forward to it.

So, after many months of touring the country the opportunity has presented itself. I will be in Austin, TX on May 12 and 13. I’m sure we will talk about the wonders of Intelligent Design, how exactly he violates the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics by typing, why gravity is the strongest force in the universe, and why every Tom, Dick and Harry should be allowed to decide school curriculum.

Actually, I expect that we won’t discuss any of these things because DaveTard will be conveniently absent. We’ll see; the improbable does sometimes occur.

It seems I may have another tour booked talking to crackpots. Here and here.

If you have any questions that you would like me to ask DaveScot, post them here or at the original thread.


Filed under Conspiracy Theories, Culture Wars, DaveScot, DaveTard, Education, Entertainment, Evolution, IDiots, Politics, Religion, Science, Travel